Strengthening Scientific Relations with China

The meeting aimed to promote the signing of an agreement between both entities and offer opportunities for academic exchange, international graduate study opportunities, and access to funding programs offered by Chinese institutions in science and technology.

This collaborative framework will serve as a foundation for future access to project funding with other Chinese institutions, supported by the country’s Ministry of Science and Technology, which has already established similar collaborations with more than 80 nations.

Bravo de la Parra and Soberón Chávez have maintained one of the most fruitful scientific collaborations between UNAM academics and their Chinese counterparts.

In just over a decade, they have published 48 articles in high-impact journals in the field of agricultural biotechnology with Chinese scientists. They have made nine visits to China, interacting with scientific groups from universities and institutes in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Wuhan. They have also promoted student exchanges between Mexico and China. Since 2019, they have held appointments as adjunct professors at IPPCAAS, which extend until 2028. They will receive the same appointment with the Beijing Institute of Technology this month.