Saraí Hernández Torres, a researcher at the UNAM’s Institute of Mathematics, has been awarded the Women in Science Fellowship. This prestigious recognition is jointly presented by L’Oréal Mexico, the Mexican Academy of Sciences, the UNESCO Office in Mexico, and the Mexican Commission for Cooperation with UNESCO. The award acknowledges the excellence of Mexican women scientists and their contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

Hernández Torres’ research project, titled “Emergent geometry in discrete stochastic processes: phase transitions and criticality,” aims to understand the corresponding limit in three dimensions.

Her research focuses on the emergent properties of stochastic processes defined on discrete structures. The objects of her study include random walks, random trees, and interacting particle systems.

The probability-related problems that Hernández Torres investigates are inspired by statistical physics. This approach has led her to explore a wide range of probabilistic models influenced by physics and biology, utilizing techniques from geometric measure theory and fractal geometry.