María Zambrano Extraordinary Chair Inaugurated in Havana

The María Zambrano Extraordinary Chair was officially inaugurated at the University of Havana with a keynote lecture by poet and Cervantes Institute director Luis García Montero. This initiative results from a collaboration between UNAM, the Cervantes Institute, and the University of Havana.

In his lecture, García Montero emphasized the continued relevance of Zambrano’s philosophy, particularly her concept of “poetic reason”—a perspective that goes beyond strict logic by incorporating intuition, emotion, and poetic thought to grasp the complexity of human experience better.

“Zambrano sought a balance between reason and poetry, a necessary lesson in times of growing polarization and fanaticism,” García Montero remarked. He also highlighted Zambrano’s deep connection to Cuba, recalling her close friendship with Cuban writer José Lezama Lima, with whom she maintained a rich and ongoing correspondence.

Miriam Nicado García, President of the University of Havana, and Miguel Díaz Reynoso, Mexico’s Ambassador to Cuba, attended the ceremony. The event also underscored the historic ties between Mexico, Cuba, and Spain, particularly Mexico’s role in welcoming Spanish Republican exiles.

The María Zambrano Chair is designed as a platform for cultural and philosophical reflection, encouraging critical thinking and the exploration of human values within today’s global context. Through this initiative, scholars and students will engage in discussions that broaden perspectives on the challenges of the future.